Predicate: {isotaTorab

Roleset id: 01 , to become delighted by a song; to enjoy listening to music or a song

        Arg0: the one becoming delighted by listening to the song
        Arg1: the song or the music often used with مع
        Arg2: from whom


عزفت ومضات فنية استطرب معها الجمهور

        Arg1 : ها
        Gloss: it
        Arg0 : الجمهور
        Gloss: the audience

Roleset id: 02 , to request a song from someone

        Arg0: the one requesting the song
        Arg1: the one singing or doing the performance


اسْتَطْرَبَ* فلانًا : سَأَلَهُ أَن يُطَرَّبَ ويُغَنِّي

        Arg0 : ?*NONE
        Gloss: He
        Arg1 : فلانًا
        Gloss: someone anonymous